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Luma World Fracto Card Game

Unlock the Fun of Learning Fractions with Luma World Fracto Educational Card Game!

- Includes visual and number cards to help players understand the game better.
- Short game time of 15 minutes allows players to complete the game in a timely manner.

Luma World Fracto Educational Card Game is the perfect way for children aged 8 and up to learn about fractions and mental math. This set of 80 cards includes visual and number cards, and encourages memory and communication skills. It's a great way to engage with family and friends, with two to four players able to join in the fun. The game only takes around 15 minutes to play, so it's great for quick playtime or to fit in during a busy day. It's also a great way to introduce fractions and mental math in a fun and exciting way. Luma World Fracto Educational Card Game is an easy and entertaining way to learn about fractions and mental math.