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TickleMe Plant Party Pack - 2 Seed Packets with 10 Fun Activities!

Get Ready to Tickle Your Senses with TickleMe Plant Seeds Packets - The Ultimate Party Favor with Fun Science Activities and Easy Indoor Growing!

- Flowering potential: Not only are these plants fun to grow and play with, but they also have the potential to flower, adding an extra level of beauty and interest to your indoor garden.
- Includes activities: The TickleMe Plant Seeds Packets (2) Party Favor comes with 10 different activities to help you and your children learn more about the plant and its unique characteristics. These activities are a great way to keep kids engaged and interested in t

TickleMe Plant Seeds Packets (2) Party Favor is a perfect gift for kids and adults who love science and gardening. These seeds are easy to grow indoors and provide great fun for all ages. When you tickle the leaves of the TickleMe Plant, they fold together, making it a unique and fascinating plant to grow. Not only is it fun to grow, but the TickleMe Plant can also flower, providing a beautiful addition to your indoor garden. The pack includes 10 activities to help you and your kids learn more about this fascinating plant. What's more, the TickleMe Plant re-opens in minutes, making it a great way to teach kids about plant movements and how they respond to touch. The TickleMe Plant Seeds Packets (2) Party Favor is a great way to spark curiosity and interest in science and gardening, making it the perfect gift for any occasion.